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“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17

 Thanks to the generosity of so many people, we receive boxes full of material donations that can then be given to those in need, both in our programs and in the community at large. These donation boxes are filled with clothing, shoes, bedding, household goods, toys, school supplies, and more!

UnloadingFirm Foundations Romania Clothes and More program
From around the world, people donate much needed items that bless the Romanian people.


Firm Foundations Romania Clothes and More program

Points Store


The children in our Educational Programs receive points for attendance and good behavior which they can then use to "purchase" much needed items like school supplies, hygiene products, and clothes. This teaches the children a good life lesson of learning to work for what they want and need.


Baby Closet


In order to bless the mothers who stay with their babies in the hospital, FFR started the Baby Closet program. Volunteers use the donations FFR receives to put together bundles of clothing, toys, and hygiene items, and then on a weekly basis, the bundles are given to the mothers in the hospital.


Donation Center


In addition to blessing the beneficiaries of FFR, many donations are given to other non-profit organizations, homeless shelters, and governmental institutions to be distributed to those in need. FFR has become a Donation Center for the city and surrounding areas of Brasov!


For more information about sending donations to Firm Foundations Romania, please email us at  

Firm Foundations Romania

To care for and support the Roma (Gypsy) community in Romania by offering access to education, tangible resources, and the Gospel.​​

Firm Foundations Romania / Brasov, Romania /
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