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Gala for Goodness:
Uniting Hearts,
Changing Lives
Join us for a fun, inspirational evening where you will learn about Firm Foundations Romania’s programs and hear about how we are utilizing our AGAPE Educational Center to transform the lives of Romanian children.

Friday, November 8, 2024
6pm - 9:30pm
Registration closes October 17!
Ocean Place Resort and Spa
Long Branch, New Jersey
Featuring live music by Sarah Vienna and band, inspirational testimonies from our students, and Romanian product for purchase.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Full page ad in the program
Prominent signage / banner at event
Inclusion in all pre and post event related news releases
Special recognition from the podium
Logo featured on the FFR website for 6 months following the event
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition
1/2 page ad in the program
Signage recognition at the event
Inclusion in all pre and post event related news releases
Logo featured on the FFR website for 6 months following the event
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition
1/4 page ad in the program
Signage recognition at the event
Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn recognition
Would you like to sponsor this great event?
Please contact us for more information.
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